Thought Leadership

  • My Story,  Thought Leadership

    Finding A Happy Balance

    Finding A Balance…  Finding a balance between eating healthy, working out, spending time with the Lord, school, social life, and making time for yourself is hard. Really hard. I have watched so many people move from one extreme to the next. Typically, when this is the case they are lacking in other departments or aspects of their lives that are beneficial to their physical and mental well-being. I struggled with finding my own balance for a while. One of my professors actually said the other day, “The hardest thing about college is being able to find a balance that promotes overall wellness.” He was right, let me tell you. I…

  • My Story,  Thought Leadership

    Life Moves So Quick

    Recently – I have been feeling super overwhelmed with how fast life is moving and I can’t quite figure out how to make it slow down. Like quite honestly – I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off… Do you ever feel like that? Like there is no time to slow down, like you look back at different moments or memories and you are just like – wow that went SO quick. Came and went in just about 4 seconds.  I know, i know, i know, I’m so young, but sometimes I just wish I could go back and be that little girl…

  • Religion & Relationships,  Thought Leadership

    Make Time For the Lord

    Ok… bare with me here as I write this blog that is very close to my heart and is causing me to be super vulnerable. As stated in a previous blog, I want this to be a space that other resonate with and I feel that this one will hit close to home with most of you. But it begins with a relationship with the Lord, and how I have made Him a priority in my life, but really he has been shining through in this past year or so and really answering my prayers in ways that I have never seen before. To start this I want to give…