My Story,  Thought Leadership

Life Moves So Quick

Recently – I have been feeling super overwhelmed with how fast life is moving and I can’t quite figure out how to make it slow down. Like quite honestly – I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off… Do you ever feel like that? Like there is no time to slow down, like you look back at different moments or memories and you are just like – wow that went SO quick. Came and went in just about 4 seconds. 

I know, i know, i know, I’m so young, but sometimes I just wish I could go back and be that little girl pictured above because that was such short lived period of time. A time where nothing mattered except playing dress-up or figuring out how many messes I could make for my mom in one day. With life moving so quick, and change happening so much, sometimes I just wish I could be that little girl again, but I’m proud of where I am now.

I can’t quite pinpoint if it’s just this semester that has me feeling like things are moving so quickly, or if just in general things in life change so quickly. I am taking a whopping 19 credit hours and I feel like I can not ever catch a break. Literally I am go, go, go, always.  It reminds me of how I thought high school went so quick, and everyone told me college goes quicker, but I never believed them until now… a few weeks shy of being done. 

Seriously.  – I feel as if I was just SOBBING to my mom the day I was leaving for college. I actually thought my life was ending, I was so anxious and nervous. Little did I know, the next chapter was just beginning. I wish I would’ve just been able to tell myself four years ago that I was going to be okay. 

That WAS FOUR YEARS AGO. In just two short weeks the last semester will be wrapping up with all my best friends. I don’t graduate until august because I am finishing up a few credits due to switching my major, but big changes are about to come. BIG. CHANGES. It’s as if I have the same feelings that I am going to college all over again, but this time I feel so much more at peace.

The change that is to come for me is a move out of my college house, and to start graduate school. I’m sure I am ready, it just doesn’t quite feel like it yet. I’m not sure I am ready to leave the countless memories of the house I have lived in for the past 3 years. Countless laughs and cries. There has been so many ups and downs that have come and gone, but each and every one of them has made me grow into the person that I am today. 


The other aspect of life moving so quickly comes with the unprecedented pressure (personal opinion) that others can press on you sometimes. Sometimes you can feel like your behind when you really aren’t, and when you’re trying to play “catch up.” It can sometimes feel like you have blinked and missed out on everything. OR even I have a fault to myself where I have all these goals in my head that I need to achieve, but if it’s not happening at that moment. I feel like I’m lacking which is false.

I’m on my own path – well really, I’m on the path that God has for me. I also have a tendency to think about how things will look in the future. I make up all these situations I could see myself in or where I will see myself in the next few years or so, but really I just need to focus on what tomorrow brings. Focus on what’s right in front of me because the Lord only knows what tomorrow’s going to bring. When you stop in your tracks and realize that – it can be so rewarding to cherish the moments you have been a part of. 

Overall – this can be really hard to do. Stopping and literally just being in the moment. I am guilty of trying to move quickly, but in reality I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I wish that little me would have continued to tell me to slow down and just enjoy the ride. To take whatever curve ball life throws at you and learn from it. Enjoy those belly laughs that you and your friends and family share because at some point you will definitely look be back and be like holy cow I miss that one time. You also never want to look back and say to yourself that you wish you would have enjoyed the moment more. 

SO – here is just a reminder, a little reminder that you are on your own path, God’s path for you. Enjoy everyday, and remember – you never know what tomorrow might bring. Try and slow down. I know that little me would be so proud of who I have turned out to be. I just wish I had a constant reminder to slow down and enjoy. 

With all the love,

Corah J.